The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (RWS) is responsible for ensuring smooth, safe and sustainable traffic on the roads and waterways of the Netherlands. To this end, the Ministry uses a wide variety of traffic management systems. One of the systems vital to the Netherlands' waterways is the Information and Tracking System for Shipping (IVS90). TechText has made a significant contribution to the development and provision of a brand new training programme for this system. The main components of the programme are classroom training courses and an e-learning environment. This has yielded a national, uniform course that equips existing and new users with all the knowledge and skills they need to make optimum use of IVS90.
Jos van Uden, training coordinator for the Ministry's Centre for Transport and Navigation, is responsible for coordinating courses and training for traffic management systems. In this role, he is closely involved in the organisation of the training programme for IVS90, which helps ensure a smooth and safe flow of shipping traffic on the Netherlands' waterways. The data collected using IVS90 provides a clear overall picture of the shipping traffic on the main waterways in specific periods. This data is not only important for RWS, but also to other waterway control bodies and harbour authorities, as it constitutes an important source of information for their policy.
European tender
A couple of years ago, a restructuring plan was conceived for the IVS90 training. Jos explained: "RWS needed to have a single, uniform national course in place. Previously, the course had been developed and given by RWS' own regional departments, which led to differences in quality between the various regions.
The realisation of the new national course was part of a European tender for the development, provision and maintenance of training courses for the various traffic management systems, both for road and shipping traffic. The tender incorporated two learning environments: classroom training courses and e-learning. Following an objective evaluation, based not only on costs but also a number of content-related criteria, the classroom courses were awarded to TechText."
Brand new course
One of the activities assigned to TechText was the setting up of the new IVS90 training course, which Jos outlined as follows: "The course consists of a variety of components, the first of which is a foundation course which familiarises the participants with the objective and principles of IVS90 and acquaints them with the user interface and a number of simple processes. This basic course was developed by the training experts of TechText, and is given by a group of its tutors. The second part of the new structure is composed of a more in-depth course which focusses in greater detail on more complex situations at bridges, sluices and shipping-traffic control posts. In addition, a strong emphasis is placed on practice with the actual system. TechText also developed the training material for this part of the course, which is given by RWS' own regional managers.
The third part of the new structure consists of an e-learning environment in which course participants are given a bird's-eye view of IVS90, as well as a number of exercises and demonstrations. This component was developed by another supplier. In order to ensure effective coordination, TechText maintained regular contact with this supplier."
Complex assignment
Now that the courses have been running for a number of months, Jos is able to give an impression of the quality of the activities of TechText: "As regards the overall tender, RWS is well aware that the set of courses for a large variety of systems represents a quite complex task. In addition to IVS90, TechText has developed and given courses on a number of other crucial traffic management systems, both for road and waterway traffic (see table). TechText had to become familiar with all the theory in order to develop the required material. I think that TechText delivered excellent work in this respect. They worked conscientiously during all phases of the project in order to ultimately achieve a solid, workable result. Thanks to the cooperation with TechText, we now have an excellent IVS-90 training course in place with which we are well equipped to go forward."
Courses developed by TechText for RWS:
DTM Overview
MTM2 for Traffic Controllers
MTM2 for Configuration Managers
MTM2 for Operational Traffic Managers
MTM2 for Service Desk Staff and System Administrators
Digital Journal
Half-day course providing an overview of all the systems in the dynamic traffic-management chain.
Two-hour workshop on the development philosophy, the objectives and benefits of this system, which creates a link between traffic scenarios and the decisions faced by a traffic controller.
Two-day course featuring challenging assignments, focussing on the operation of signalling equipment above and alongside motorways.
Five-day course on every aspect of the configuration of MTM2, ranging from road design to equipment installation, establishment of relationships and performance of database switchovers.
Two-day course focussing on the traffic-related aspects of MTM2, taking into account the responsibilities of traffic controllers and configuration managers.
Two or three-day course focussing on first and second-line support for MTM2 users, with an emphasis on resolution of system failures.
Half-day course on the use and management of CDMS for the operation of dynamic direction signs above and alongside the motorway, providing information such as journey times.
Half-day course on the use and administration of CVMS to operate traffic-control equipment and ramp meters.
Two-day course on the use of IVS90 for the registration of information on ships at bridges, sluices and shipping-traffic control posts.
Half-day course on the use of a system for the input of data on events on and alongside waterways.
Half-day course on the use of this Network Management Information System which features an extensive variety of information on every aspect of roads and waterways, e.g. tailback lengths, operation of loop detectors, sluice passage times, waterway depths and the state of repair of structures. |